Chalgrove Primary School

Chalgrove Primary School
If you believe you can achieve

Design & Technology Curriculum Intent & Implementation Statement

At Chalgrove, Design and Technology is taught with a focus on depth and quality. We develop our children as designers who show originality and the willingness to take creative risks. Children are actively engaged in the processes of:

• evaluating existing products,
• designing their own,
• making these products
• and evaluating them.

Children build independence, resilience and the ability to work together in teams as they take on exciting, hands-on building, cooking, sewing and making projects. They are given the opportunity to experiment and are also directly taught the essential skills to succeed within each D&T project they take on. Our children have a thorough knowledge of which tools, materials and equipment to use to make their products and apply mathematical knowledge where required.

At the end of their time with us at Chalgrove, our children leave with a passion for Design and Technology and the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue this interest in the next phase of their education.