Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) at Chalgrove Primary focuses on
enabling children to learn about themselves, their relationships and the wider world. Our aim in teaching high quality PSHE is to prepare children as best as we can for the world of work, life, community and give them a strong foundation in values. We want our children to be safe and healthy both physically, emotionally and more increasingly, online. By teaching them the skills
governed by emotional literacy and building resilience we believe that this will help them through life’s adversities.
- The main outcomes in our delivery of PSHE are:
- To develop skills and aptitudes such as teamwork, communication and resilience through relationships with others and themselves.
- To make responsible and safe decisions and care for their health and wellbeing, including economic well being.
- To support the community and understand their role in the wider world
Through the teaching and learning of PSHE, children will have the opportunity to share personal stories, listen to others and discuss topical issues. Children’s wellbeing is paramount in the delivery of this subject and exposure to sensitive topics are taught in a safe, respected and shameless environment.
By the end of Key Stage 2, children at Chalgrove will leave with a deeper understanding of the wider world, their inner world, their role in society and a strong understanding of how to look after their minds and bodies through heart-centred practices.
Fundamentally, PSHE is a Curriculum for life, not just the classroom.