Chalgrove Primary School

Chalgrove Primary School
If you believe you can achieve

Reading Curriculum Intent & Implementation Statement as of January 2022

At Chalgrove, we are determined that every child will learn to read.


Reading, including the teaching of systematic, synthetic phonics, is taught from the beginning of Reception using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Children learn individual phonemes, read simple words and recognise tricky words within each phase, in Reception and Year One. Staff across the school have sufficient expertise in the teaching of phonics and early reading to ensure children keep up.  Progress in phonics is assessed half termly and children who require it are offered targeted support.  Children practise reading books that match the grapheme-phoneme correspondences they know, both in school and at home. Reading sessions are delivered three times a week and focus on: decoding, prosody and comprehension.

 In all year groups, teachers use our framework for teaching reading which provides sequence and progression, building on and revisiting skills over time. Core texts for reading are carefully chosen to motivate, engage and challenge our children, whilst also enabling them to better understand the reading process, including the application of key reading skills. Reading skills are directly taught in whole class reading lessons from Year 2 to Year 6 and children demonstrate excellent comprehension of texts. At Chalgrove, we are proud of our timetabled protected time for reading BY, WITH and TO children. Pupils are familiar with and enjoy listening to a wide range of stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction. They develop fluency and accuracy in reading across a wide range of contexts throughout the curriculum.

 Our staff foster a love of reading through their own passion for stories and authors; and our children read for pleasure. Every child in our school community is a reader and those who find it difficult are supported in every possible way to reach age related expectations. please find detailed below a list of recommended books for you to enjoy reading at home with your child.

Reception recommended reading list

Year 5 recommended reading listYear 6 recommended reading list

Year 4 recommended reading list

Year 1 recommended reading list

Year 2 recommended reading list

 Year 3 recommended reading list