Chalgrove Primary School

Chalgrove Primary School
If you believe you can achieve

Writing Curriculum Intent & Implementation Statement

At Chalgrove, we dig foundations to spark interest, lay bricks of nurture upon them and watch our children grow like skyscrapers into true, authentic and passionate writers. The sky’s the limit!

Our children, as writers, are immersed in high quality texts which provide them wonderful starting points for writing. They look critically at samples of genres, picking out the key structural and language features. Children at Chalgrove plan their writing in a range of ways, thinking about purpose and audience. They are taught grammar as part of the writing process and apply this learning to their pieces. Children demonstrate their highly developed vocabulary in writing that takes place over time with the opportunity for feedback, editing and redrafting built into the writing process. Children use their skills of teamwork and show resilience when editing and improving their writing. At Chalgrove, children see the value in writing, often writing for real purposes and seeing the power of written word to achieve results. Everyone at Chalgrove is a writer:
• boys and girls;
• those who speak English as their first language and those who don’t;
• from our youngest in Reception class to our oldest members of staff.

Children leave Chalgrove with a love of writing and an appreciation of its educational, cultural and entertainment values.


literacy ltp 2023 2024 all years ppt final version .pdf